Great Review by Tim McCahan After School Sports

Full disclosure, my beautiful Granddaughter goes to Tim McCahan After School Sports, and she has an amazing time there.  In my history, I learned Wado Kai Karate at the YMCA in my hometown in Ontario when I was a kid, and as an adult studied Tai Kwon Do that the Park...

Online Reputation – how important is it?

Remember, getting reviews is an ongoing process and an integral part of your marketing program in 2020. The value and impact cannot be understated and must be accepted as part of doing business online you wish to remain competitive and sustainable. 

Linking and SEO update!

Linking and SEO update!

Hey everyone, yes, it's an all clients update! This involves an enhancement we are making to all sites to improve their search weight.  If you are not interested in the particulars, this is NOT a required read. One of the things that WordPress has always handled...

Search Weight and Links

Search Weight and Links

Hey everyone, yes, it's an all clients update! This involves an enhancement we are making to all sites to improve their search weight.  If you are not interested in the particulars, this is NOT a required read. One of the things that WordPress has always handled...

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

Thank the numerous people who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail Fun Facts: In 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the Constitutional Post–the first organized mail service in America. As the nation’s first Postmaster General,...

One of those technology moments….

One of those technology moments….

I'm having one of those "it's amazing" moments. I'm installing a new 8 TB drive as our data needs have grown, and it's time to "clean house".  It's been 17+ years of clients and projects and their respective files and our files are "everywhere" to the point where it...

Happy Birthday Dr. King

We'd like to take a brief moment to honor a man who managed to change the face of America and our discourse. Happy Martin Luther King's Birthday.

The Basics Of Creating A Blog Post – Part 1

The Basics Of Creating A Blog Post – Part 1

Okay. Hey everybody, this is another Ask HOF Anything Moment. Really glad to see you. Today's question comes from Elizabeth with Ryan Construction Law. And she is one of the most unique people you have ever met. She does construction law, but her passion is in...

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